Monday, October 15, 2012

What Peacock Ore Teaches Us...

 Have you ever seen anything this beautiful before? I'm totally in awe when I think about how the Earth forms this intense and beautiful natural thing. It being Bornite, also known as Peacock Ore. Pretty fitting name, huh?

I found this one in a really neat crystal shop in my town. I love going in there just to look - they have cracked open geodes full of purple crystals that stand 3ft tall and cost over $1000. So I love to look, and never touch, lest I pull a butter finger move and knock something over. But the other night the honey and I were taking a walk after work (to work up an appetite for margaritas!) and stopped in. I found these little pieces of bornite and couldn't resist...
Thankfully the honey was kind enough to fulfill my fancy and got one for me :)
So, I took it into the sunshine today to try and photograph it's ever changing, kaleidoscopic array of colors. I only learned afterwards that usually you put minerals into water when you're photographing them so that appear more brilliant? Anyone heard of that? Wisdom from my momsy.

I have a rad coworker named Emily who is deeply into crystal and crystal healing. Inspired by her love of it, I went searching on the internet for information about this particular ore. I was pretty happy with what I found.

" It is a colourful stone helping to dismiss "grey days" by inspiring hope and lifting ones mood. As with the bird it is named after, its display is an inspiration and reminder that life is not limited to a mundane combination of atoms, but permeated by a magic that does not cease to exist because we cannot always perceive it. "  


Dang, you don't say? All right, I'll take that ;)

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