Sunday, October 14, 2012

 I originally started out this post with the intent of showing off these two excellent thrift finds I've scored in the last month or so. The top is from a Goodwill in Portland, OR and is just light and airy as can be. It's got these adorable little lace up corset ties in the back that help give it some shape. And the BAG. The bag I found here in Colorado for a dream. My favorite local thrift store has been overflowing with awesome leather bags lately, I've gotten at least 3 there recently that are all just kick ass. I like to imagine there is someone in my town (and my town is small, very small) who just has awesome taste in bags, and they have just an overflowing closet of wonderful bags that they're purging, and I'm going to out and about with one of their donated pieces, and we'll meet and become best friends forever... or something like that. 

I mean, look at those stud details? Why would someone give this away? I'm in love, I can't help it. It needs a little bit of a wash and a Nik Wax but I'm really pleased. It's funny, too, about the other bags, because one of the regular volunteers at the store has checked me out every time I've bought each of them and has commented on she really liked them too. So, I guess at the very least I should make friends with her so I've got at least one friend with great taste in bags ;) Anywho, remember how I just wanted to show you the goods? Turns out, I actually have a deep down desire to be a gypsy/bohemian fashion blogger.

And they told me I couldn't do it without wearing the clothes ;)

Anyone out there have any awesome thrift store finds to brag about?

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